Thursday, 19 June 2008

Peace within that once was lost

A peace within that once was lost,a meandering babbling brook,
A time to sense a stillness,flirted mirrored look,
Sweetness,and gentleness,to me in outstretched palm,
Take it love,I want you,to keep you safe from harm,
Such is the love I feel from you,my Mary,sweet delight,
I ache to pull you close to me,and love you through the night
Yes we need some time,but how much,do we know?
Will it get much better,please dont die and go,
The answers,oh my Princess,are lost within our dreams,
And only you and I have keys,to each others loves it seems,
Yes my verse is pouring out,for once my heart feels free,
Take it,while its new and fresh,nurture it,its me,
I also lied within my bed,and cried for if was wrong,
And afterwards like you I was,with heart all filled with song,
The list,the list,oh boxes ticked,I know I want whats mine,
I want it,yes I've earned it,but can I draw the line?,
For what if every box had points,and some were worth lots more,
Would that mean,that finding love,would be the final score,
Beauty,is much more than slap,all though I must admit,
I do so love to see nice eyes,with makeup made to fit,
And legs I love,but smooth and toned,in sandalled heels all strappy,
Whats the crime in seeing fine,not tree trunks nurled and crappy,
You are having effects on me dear heart,if honest as I am,
And in my thought,there is no sauce,no makeup,shoes or glam,
For in my heart,I feel your love,and in my mind see you,
And in my soul,your self is all,I feel I need,...thats true,
So lets agree to carry on,and take things as they come,
And share our days and share our thoughts,our happy AND our glum,
I am your stream,your waterfall,to soothe you when your tired,
And feast your mind,and kick your soul,and flirt up your desired,
Hold your hand,caress your breast,finger stroke your face,
Touch your hair,smell your life,theres time,its not a race,
Has this poem answered some,thoughts that lay around,
Verses more will come,I'm sure,I know you'll hang around...............................cos I will x

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