Thursday 19 June 2008

Princess and her Knight story

To my own sweetheart... A tale of a princess and her handsome hero

Ok this is a fairy tale for adults so sit back and enjoy...

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Once apon a time, there was a beautiful Princess, called Janet. She was so fed up with everyone telling her that she was a " good princess" a " kind princess" that she should behave in a prim and proper manner. She desperately wanted to behave in a dirty and degrading way, that one day she ran a way from the palace, slipping out the back door while every one was watching the polo match,in the courtyard, and running down the hill until she found a tree to hide behind.

While she was standing there to catch her breath, it occurred to her that she stuck out like a sore thumb, in her fine silk and velvet bodice and fancy shoes so she looked for some thing to change in to. Scouring the country side a round her she spotted some clothes hanging on a washing line, so, creeping up to the side of the building she grabbed the clothes and changed hastily behind the shed.

Now luckily (or unluckily depending on your point of view) for our Princess, the clothe belong to the local whore Alice and they were her "working clothes", consisting of a red bodice and a very very short skirt, no bigger than a wide belt, but she didn't have a lot of choice so she slipped in to them. Leaving her fine clothes and shoes as a kind of payment in there place. As Janet was about to leave the safety of the garden she spotted a young farmer walking up to Alice's door, with his cap in his hand. He was calling on Alice, in a professional capacity, having saved his wages all month. Janet was shocked to see a rather large bulge in his trousers and slipped back down the side of the building to get a better view of the "transaction"

Alice opened the door wearing her second best working clothes consisting of a slightly inferior set of silk cameo knickers, and welcomed the young man, who stammered in his excitement" hhh hello my nnn name iss TTTTom" Janet and Alice both saw his Adams apple bobbing up and down in his throat. " and III am getting married next month so I was wondering if, well if you could help me, you know found out what I am supposed to do, for her as well as for me" he finished in a rush.

Alice was impressed that he was willing to learn to help his bride-to-be and said " well. Your lucky, I have a full afternoon to teach you every thing I know. Ummm well may be not everything, I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve don't I" she laughed. And held out her hand for the money, tucking it in to the small brass urn on the mantlepiece.

Turning to face Tom with a smile, Alice reached over and put her hand on his arm and led him to the furs scattered by the fire. Gesturing for him to lie down, Alice sat on the floor next to him and started to run her hands down his body. She could see the hard bump that had appeared in Toms trousers and undid the buttons and released his rigid cock in to her waiting hands. Wrapping them around and smoothing it up and down. Making Tom sigh and groan.

Janet watched all this from the woodpile by the shed, her eyes wide open in excitement and astonishment at what Alice was doing. She was especially impressed when Alice took Toms cock in to her mouth and sucked and licked it and made poor Tom scream with pleasure. Janet loved to watch it go so deep in Alice's mouth that it seem to disappear. Janet experienced strange tingling sensation when she watched Alice's face change as a look of concentration came over her. Then Tom's face seemed to screw up and he gave a shout of triumph as he came in Alice's mouth and Alice swallowed every drop then smacked her lips as if she had just eaten a delicious snack,licked her lips slowly and teasingly,and started to suck him again to keep him hard ready for the next lesson, Janet decides that at some point she just had to try it for her self.

Alice having made Toms cock hard a gain, slid her body slowly up and straddled him, slowly lowering herself on to his hard cock still glinting with some cum Alice missed, Janet watched as it again disappear in to Alice's body. Tom grabbed hold of Alice's hips and wriggled to get a better position ,then his hips and Alice's started to move in a rhythm as old as time, as Alice went down Tom pushed up. almost coming out on the down ward stroke them thundering in to her again. suddenly Tom grabbed Alice then spinned them around, letting instinct take over, so that Alice was underneath and Tom had control. He slowed things right down, moving slowly and teasing her clit with one finger. Bending over to suck one of Alice's nipples in to his mouth, nibbling gently and kissing her pink aureole, producing a shivering in Alice, and unbeknown to them in Janet to. So much so Janet cant help but put a finger down and touched her wet pussy for the first time. Finding it slick and very wet, she puts her finger back up to her mouth and inspects the moistness there and tentatively tastes it, finding it a sort of sweet musky flavour, but very much to her liking. Janet pushes her finger in again and leans back to somehow get more in, when suddenly the wood pile shifts and causes a pile of logs to come crashing down, alerting then in side to her presence. Janet looks shocked then runs down the side of the building, down the lane towards the village. When Alice and Tom come out to investigate all they find where the clothes Janet has left.

Stepping carefully along the lane towards the village (remember our princess has soft feet) she reflected on what she had just seen, finding herself to be very aroused but also extremely hungry. Walking down the centre of the village was a new experience for our newly liberated princess. Her head went from side to side as she tried to take in all the exotic sounds and smells. people stared at her for even in the cheap clothes, she was beautiful. She wondered up to a bakers that had pies cooling by the door, they smelled wonderful. Thinking to buy one but not having any money she sniffed, when the owner a grumpy, mean looking man with hardly any teeth grabbed her arm and shouted at her" thinking of stealing my food was ya" and looked Janet up and down with a wicked evil grin

" ummm maybe ill give you one of my pies if as I can have a taste of you hehehe".

This scared Janet so much she screamed and searched the gathering crowed for some one to help her. but spotted now one.
Sir Paul was on his way home from a hard day at the crusades, his feet ached and his chain mail chaffed but he was happy to be home.

He spotted a crowd of people gathered around the bakers. And wondered what was happening, being a kind hearted type he went forward to see, " excuse me come on move please, what's the fuss here" he asked in his most affirmative voice. Seeing what was happening and recognising his princess (for hadn't they played polo just last week) Paul scooped up Janet and threw some groats on the floor for the baker in payment. Carrying Janet down the road a little way and then setting her back on her feet. " my princess" he said kneeling before her "my hero" Janet replied and bent down throwing her arms around Pauls neck and kissed him with all the pent up passion of the day and heartfelt relief that she had been rescued. pushing Paul on to his back with the force of her ardour "mmuuuuump " said Paul soon giving in to the demanding thrusts of Janet's tongue as it fought to get in side his mouth. her breasts pressing up against the chain mail on Sir Paul's chest.

Janet moved her attention to Paul's neck kissing and nibbling along the edge of his white cloak and back up his chin to his hot and waiting mouth. His knees started to buckle from the passion in the kiss, he knew he should stop her. but by god it felt so good. Janet was enjoying the kiss so much she was surprised when Paul screeched in pain and grabbed hold of the front of his chain mail" what's the matter" Janet ask urgently " ummm owwwwee its my umm dick, its umm caught in the armour and it hurts" Janet put her hands to her mouth in horror, to think she had caused her hero to be in pain. then a sly grin materialised on her face" umm I think I can help you there" she giggled and kneeling down in front of Paul, used the tool kit every good Knight has on his person, undid the bolts and released his cock in to the fresh air. it sprung from his underwear like a greyhound after a rabbit and Paul breathed a sigh of relief that the pain was over. Janet gaped at the sight of his huge rigid tattood cock, just inches away from her face. Images of Toms cock being devoured by Alice invaded her mind, regardless of the consequences she had to have it. To taste it. Licking her lips at the thought she leaned in towards it. Mesmerised by the sight.

Just as he was about to put his cloak over him to save his modesty Janet bent forward at the waist and slipped her hot mouth over his hard rigid shaft. The first taste of man excited her and she wanted more. She didn't even think as she deep throated him just like Alice had done to Tom that morning. bobbing her head up and down, swirling her tongue around the gland. Licking his cock up to the top then down to his balls. Gently taking each ball in to her mouth and playing her tongue around them. Totally unaware of what was around them, thinking only of giving and taking this pleasure from each other. Increasing the pressure and slowly moving her mouth further up his tool until she could take it in her mouth again.

Deep in her throat Sir Paul swelled to his largest yet and almost choked Janet, she reluctantly took his cock out of her mouth for a breather. she poked her tongue in to the little hole and gathered up all the pre cum that had collected there and carefully transferred it to her mouth, leaving a light ribbon of cum attracted between them. Janet settled in to her task now and sucked and licked, and swirled and slurped. Until she felt his balls tighten up and Paul started to pant and groan " ohh god princess I am cumming what do I do" all Janet could say was "mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmm" Sir Paul couldn't stop and shot gallons of cum in to Janets mouth she swallowed it with out thinking, really enjoying the taste of it and Paul's hand on her head made her feel so good herself.

By now a crowd had gathered, and Janet and Paul suddenly realised they were being watched and that they had been cheering him on to cum. Someone shouted " see she swallowed that's 5 groats you owe me" Sir Paul saw Janet blush bright red. stood up and throwing his cloak around her, took her even further into the village and to his humble house where they would be safe for now. At least until he had his thoughts under control...

to be continued...

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